Episode 011 - The 1St Believers [Episode Guide]
Character Profiles
Make sure to visit the "Character" profile page, makes it much easier to keep track of who is who as more and more are introduced in our podcast, and more figures become more central to our story. All other useful links and pages available, which are constantly being update, can be found listed on the "Categories/Index".http://historyofislampodcast.blogspot.co.uk/p/character_26.html
Abu-Bakr's First 5
Quick recap of who Abu-Bakr's first 5 converts were:
- Uthman ibn Affan from the clan of bani Abd-Shams
- Zubayr ibn al-Awam from the clan of bani Asad
- Abd-Rahman ibn Awf from the clan of bani Zuhra
- Sa’d ibn Abi-Waqas from the clan of bani Zuhra
- Talha ibn Ubayd-Allah from the clan of bani Taym
Direct Download
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